11 Famous People Who Claimed They Had A Run-In With The Supernatural

Welcome to the realm of the supernatural. For centuries, people have been fascinated by the mysterious and the unknown. From the days of the ancient Greeks, who believed in gods and goddesses, to the modern era, where we are captivated by tales of aliens and ghosts, the supernatural has been a source of intrigue and wonder.
In this list, we explore some of the most famous people who have claimed to have had a run-in with the supernatural. From Christopher Columbus, who thought he saw mermaids, to Little Richard, who believed a fireball in the sky was a sign from God, you'll be amazed by the stories these famous people have to tell.
So, if you think you're ready, let's dive into the world of the supernatural and explore the stories of these 12 famous people who claim they had a run-in with the world beyond this one ... with varying effects.
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Not as pretty as expected.

UFO sighting: President-to-be.

Spiritual late-night office sessions.

Carlos Santana

Daniel Day-Lewis

Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Ghostly encounter in the Lincoln Bedroom.

Ghost Sightings

Little Richard

Guillermo Del Toro

Unicorns? More like Rhinos.