Weird World
The 6 Least Impressive Ways Anyone Ever Got Rich
- Authors
- By Pauli Poisuo
- Published
5 Horrible Things Nobody Tells You About Legally Growing Pot
- Authors
- By Bryan Guidicianni
- Published
Cracked Round-Up: Shut Up About the Mayans Edition
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff
- Published
9 Ridiculous Cooking Myths You Probably Believe
You're not a master chef by any means, but you still know a few basic food truths, right? Well guess what: You're wrong about those, too.
- Authors
- By Jeff Hanula
- Published
The 6 Most Mind-Blowing Modern Ghost Towns
Man's vision constantly exceeds his reach. It is our curse to dream bigger than our meager hands can build. So for every Hoover Dam or Empire State Building that gets built, there are 10 projects that were simply too unfeasible to see to completion. And for each of those 10, there are 10 MORE that seemed too unfeasible, but someone decided that tha
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
10 Old Toys That Made Sense In Their Era (And Nowhere Else)
Remember that toy that you just had to have because it was based on something wildly popular? And then it turned out to really, really suck? It turns out that's been happening as long as companies have been mass-producing toys.
- Authors
- By Tracy V., T.D. Woodward
- Published
The 6 Most Baffling Serial Crimes
Criminals aren't hard to figure out. Ask any cop. The guy who broke into your car wasn't a mastermind, he was probably looking for something he could sell to buy meth. Still, the world of law enforcement does have its confounding mysteries.
- Authors
- By Lorra Jacks
- Published
The 6 Most Ridiculous Abuses of Diplomatic Immunity
Immunity is granted to keep diplomats from being harassed while they do their work in unfriendly nations. It makes sense, but as you can suspect, people abuse the living hell out of it, often to a hilarious and/or terrifying degree.
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon
- Published
The 6 Weirdest Cities People Actually Live In
None of us knows what, exactly, goes into city planning, but somewhere along the line, somebody accidentally CC'ed the insane asylum, and we wound up with the following civilizations that simply should not be.
- Authors
- By Kenny Thompson
- Published
If You Could Go Back and Change Anything
Now that's how you overthink a hypothetical question.
- Authors
- By Dan Markowitz
- Published
Where Aren’t They Now? 11 Overlooked Deaths of 2011
Each year Cracked takes time to remember the slightly less famous people who maybe didn't revolutionize the PC and music industries, but who still left an interesting little mark on the culture. These are the most overlooked deaths of 2011.
- Authors
- By Lisa Skye, Paul Rasche
- Published