Science & History
5 Creepy Forms of Mind Control You're Exposed to Daily
We know what you're thinking: You're far too cynical to fall for the ads you fast forward through on your DVR or the little tricks employed by marketers and politicians to push your subconscious buttons. But are you sure?
- Authors
- By Dennis Hong
- Published
The 6 Weirdest Ways Wild Animals Are Having to Adapt to Us
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood
- Published
6 Scientific Discoveries That Laugh in the Face of Physics
- Authors
- By T. Joseph Lahucik
- Published
5 Mundane Objects That Saved Important Lives
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon
- Published
6 Realities of Teleportation Star Trek Didn't Warn Us About
how far away are we from transporters? Well, it turns out that there are a few complications ...
- Authors
- By Nathan R. Carlsen
- Published
6 Small Math Errors That Caused Huge Disasters
If there are any children reading this, there's really only one thing we want to tell you about adulthood: If you make one tiny mistake, people will die.
- Authors
- By Chris Radomile
- Published
The 9 Most Badass Last Words Ever Uttered: Part 2
Hopefully history will remember us for our sick burns and ballsy braggadocio, even if it forgets everything else. It worked for these folks..
- Authors
- By Ian Cheesman, Dustin Koski
- Published
5 Absurd Solutions to Huge Problems (That Actually Worked)
Who among us hasn't been asked by a teacher or a boss to think outside the box? It's all well and good when you're looking at a word problem on a Denny's application, not so much when you're staring down a problem with lives on the line.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Mohammed Shariff
- Published
7 Bizarre Easter Eggs Hidden in Great Works of Art
We tend to think of classic art as being all dignified and serious, if perhaps a little stuffy. But that's only because we're not looking closely enough.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
5 'Modern' Medical Procedures (Are Thousands of Years Old)
Despite what you've seen in Monty Python movies or at Renaissance Faires, people in olden days were a lot smarter than we give them credit for.
- Authors
- By Patrick Hopkins
- Published
6 Insane Last Resort Surgeries That Actually Worked
The following surgeries prove that even the smartest of doctors can have crazy ideas. But is an idea really that crazy if it works? Yes. Yes it is.
- Authors
- By Erik Germ
- Published
The 6 Weirdest Things That Are Ruining Your Memory
If you want your memory to stay strong, you probably already know what to avoid -- excessive alcohol, beating your head on things, getting any older. What you probably didn't know is that there are other, lesser known everyday threats that may be slowly turning you into that guy from 'Memento.'
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis
- Published
The 6 Most Secretly Racist Classic Children's Books
It's easy for us to hide the bad things from our kids that appear in works today. Things get a little trickier when classics of children's literature suddenly let fly with the sort of out-of-the-blue casual racism usually reserved for old Southern men after a few too many drinks
- Authors
- By Juan Arteaga, John Champion
- Published
5 Screw-Ups on the Battlefield That Accidentally Won the War
Sometimes, even in war, a little stupidity can work to your advantage.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Douglas A. McDonnell
- Published
5 Turncoats Who Changed the Tide of History
In the grand scale of things, not much changes when a single dude decides he'd rather be a Communist than an American, or vice versa. The balance of power is still basically the same, right? But every balance has a tipping point, and sometimes all it takes is one turncoat to change the course of history.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Douglas A. McDonnell
- Published