Science & History

5 Animals That Look Like Cartoons (Until They Kill You)
You shouldn't ignore or underestimate Mother Nature, no matter how innocent and unassuming her avatar might be.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
5 B.S. Renaissance Myths You Learned in History Class
- Authors
- By J. Wisniewski
- Published
6 Amazingly Complex Military Strategies Used by Bugs
- Authors
- By Teddem Yee, Alan Boyle
- Published
5 Underwater Creatures That Look Like Terrifying Nightmares
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
5 Surprising Things That Manipulate Your Moods Every Day
Your emotions are dictated by the outside world in ways you might find bizarre and shocking.
- Authors
- By Elorm Kojo Ntumy
- Published
6 Badass 'Modern' Weapons (Are Way Older Than You Think)
It turns out that a lot of the stuff that defines the modern battlefield has been around in some form for a lot longer than we think, thanks to murderous geniuses who were decades or centuries ahead of their time.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Xavier Jackson, Steve Shapiro
- Published
5 Insane Ways Animals Changed the Course of Humanity
We humans are what we are due to help from a series of creatures most of us have very little respect for. So let's take a moment to appreciate them a little.
- Authors
- By Zac Eckstein
- Published
7 Normal Things That Become Horror Movies Under a Microscope
Nature is a beautiful ... from an extremely far and safe distance.
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon , Isaac Cabe, Andrew Heaton
- Published
5 Eerily Human Things You Won't Believe Animals Do
Every once in a while we like to remind everyone of all of the insane ways animals are just like us.
- Authors
- By Ivan Farkas, Andrew Heaton, Himanshu Sharma
- Published
5 Ridiculous Alternate Versions of Prehistoric Animals
Sometimes the experts get things wrong, giving us a view of the past that more closely resembles the fever dreams of a Muppet designer than actual animals.
- Authors
- By Teddem Yee
- Published
5 Badass People Who Stood Up to Infamous Dictators
These folks stared right into the eyes of heavily armed evil and slowly, purposefully, without ever breaking eye contact, raised both middle fingers.
- Authors
- By Pat Carnell, Eric Yosomono
- Published
5 Brain Disorders That Started as Evolutionary Advantages
It turns out some theories suggest that many times what we now call a disorder used to be an awesome advantage.
- Authors
- By Matthew Moffitt, Himanshu Sharma
- Published
5 Near Deaths That Would Have Changed the Face of History
How many history-making men have we almost lost to fatal pissing contests? A frightening amount, it turns out.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Matthew Moffitt
- Published
21 Famous People And The Terrible Things We Forget They Did
Our readers went all TMZ on famous and historical pop culture icons.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published