Science & History

5 Real Robberies With Better Twists Than Any Heist Movie
- Authors
- By Chris Rio
- Published
The 21 Most Satisfying Scenes of Stuff Getting Destroyed
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Bizarre Ways You Won't Believe Sound Screws With Your Body
It doesn't seem as sexy as light, but by noogie-ing sound into submission, you can make it do some pretty amazing stuff.
- Authors
- By Rodney Taylor
- Published
5 Iconic Groups From History Everyone Pictures Incorrectly
Historical truth is a complicated and nuanced thing, so while there might be elements of truth to the popular story you know, it's rarely the complete truth.
- Authors
- By Luke John Smith, J. Wisniewski, John Martin, Jason Webb
- Published
30 'Modern' Things That Are Way Older Than You Think
Turns out that, yup, we're all actually pretty unoriginal.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
The 6 Most Horrifying Robotic Animals That Actually Exist
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so Mother Nature, consider these bizarre and terrifying abominations a compliment.
- Authors
- By Ivan Farkas
- Published
6 Archaeological Discoveries Scarier Than Any Horror Movie
Some things were probably buried for a reason...
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Ivan Farkas
- Published
5 Real-Life Horror Movies Deleted from Your History Books
Human history can -- and constantly does -- produce stories that are far more creepy and gruesome than any horror-movie hellbeast or latex-mask-sporting serial killer could ever aspire to be.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
5 Mysteries of Ancient Religions (Easily Explained)
The little ploys that modern faith healers and shady preachers use to fleece the masses have been around for thousands of years, and if anything, they've only gotten less inspired over time.
- Authors
- By Luke John Smith
- Published
The 5 Goofiest Pranks Ever Pulled (In The Middle of Wars)
What, you didn't know that pulling off hilariously childish shenanigans was an integral part of military service?
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
23 Horrifying Diseases You Won't Believe Existed
We present to you a boatload of crazy-sounding diseases ... that are absolutely real.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
26 Comparisons That Will Destroy How You See History
Your entire perception of history is totally whacked out, and we're going to prove it.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
5 Horrifying Attacks on America Your History Books Left Out
If this stuff happened today, there'd be a war. But due to extenuating circumstances at the time, they barely dented history.
- Authors
- By Zachary Frey
- Published