Science & History
5 Geniuses Whose Careers Peaked at a Shockingly Young Age
Young people can and constantly come up with plenty of awesome ideas, even when they operate in fields that are seemingly impossible to conquer until you've sprouted several gray hairs.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Matthew Moffitt
- Published
5 Tiny Animals That Deserve Their Own Horror Movie
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
16 Famous (Totally Solved) Mysteries
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Everyday Objects Scientists MacGyvered Into Huge Advances
- Authors
- By Scott Santens
- Published
69 Awesome Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing Powers
We don't know much about computer hacking here at Cracked, because that stuff involves numbers, but we've come across a whole bunch of different crazy brain and body hacks over the years.
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers
- Published
5 Country Names That Are Stupid When You Know the Backstory
Some of the origins behind the names of countries are downright ridiculous.
- Authors
- By Ruy Platt
- Published
26 Microscopic Horrors In and Around Your House Right Now
We get scared of things like shark attacks, bear maulings, or having to wipe with single ply toilet paper, but it turns out the real terror is that which can't be seen by the naked eye.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 'Eccentric' Historical Figures Who Were Clearly Just Crazy
There's a fine line between 'eccentric duke' and 'poop-smeared psychopath,' and the following folks skipped gaily across that line.
- Authors
- By Claire Gordon
- Published
5 Insane Myths Your Grandma Told You (Science Says Are True)
Some folk cures and bizarre warnings have stuck around for a reason, and it just took science a while to catch up.
- Authors
- By Welldone Quibranza, XJ Selman, Michael Hossey
- Published
5 Shockingly Unexpected Cures for Common Health Problems
The cure was inside you all along. Well, you have the ability to put it inside you anyways.
- Authors
- By Matt Farmer, Ivan Farkas
- Published
6 Mind-Blowing Old-Timey Uses of 'Modern' Slang
Sometimes a term that sounds like it was made up by Ke$ha on the fly turns out to have a rich history in the English language much older than we ever knew.
- Authors
- By Brenna Crotty
- Published
18 Mutant Superpowers Real Humans Have
It turns out that the X-Men exist ... kind of. But in place of optic blasts and telekinesis, there's bulging eyeballs and strong genitals.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published