Movies & TV

The 5 Worst Deaths Written for Great Characters (And Why)
Occasionally you see a character die in an abrupt, pointless way that seemed to have been written in as an afterthought, or even in such an undignified way that you suspect the writers included it as a 'screw you' to the actor. Well, there's a reason for that.
- Authors
- By Travis Harder
- Published
The 10 Greatest Fictional Sports Ever Invented
- Authors
- By Bobby "Fatboy" Roberts
- Published
Kick-Ass Scores A Tentative 'F#@k Yeah' Out of 10
- Authors
- By Bobby "Fatboy" Roberts
- Published
The 7 Most Soul-Crushing Series Finales in TV History
- Authors
- By Greg Welsh
- Published
The 6 Worst Things That Can (And Did) Happen at a Funeral
Through no fault of their own, funerals are some of the lamest parties ever thrown. And like any lame party, someone is bound to make it 10 times more awkward.
- Authors
- By Ian Fortey
- Published
6 Movie Plots Made Possible By Ridiculous Understaffing
Running a cloned-dinosaur facility? Naturally, you'll want to staff it with Newman and that dude from Edge of Darkness.
- Authors
- By Anthony Scibelli
- Published
Clash of the Titans: Badass Metal Video, S#!t Movie
If you arm yourself with headphones and enough Iron Maiden to make your ears want to fight each other, you get the most epic metal video ever put on film. While I didn't have the foresight to bring my own soundtrack canceling apparatus, in hindsight 'Clash of the Titans' almost makes more sense viewed as a collection of moving metal-album co
- Authors
- By Bobby "Fatboy" Roberts
- Published
6 Horrifying Implications of Awesome Fantasy Movie Universes
Fictional worlds look like fun for two hours at a time, but with a little thought you see why living there would make you want to drink yourself into a stupor.
- Authors
- By C. Coville
- Published
'The Skulls': A 10 Year Old Movie That's Already Baffling
YEAR 2000 TRADEMARKS: -Concerns elderly rich perverts in robes (see: Eyes Wide Shut, The Ninth Gate) -Disc sold as "Collector's Edition" -Stars of two WB dramas (Popular and Dawson's Creek) -Spawned numerous straight-to-DVD sequels (see: Bring it On, Wild Things, American Pie)
- Authors
- By Pat Cassels
- Published
The 5 Miserable VFX Jobs That Make Movies Possible
Several steps down the ladder from the guys who get all of the (very little) glory, you have an army of peons whose job descriptions seem to have been created as part of some cruel psychological experiment.
- Authors
- By Christina H
- Published
The 6 Most Baffling Things Every TV Ad Assumes Are True
Apparently only women eat yogurt and every bodily excriment is blue. Thanks, advertisers!
- Authors
- By Soren Bowie
- Published
When Superman Is Bored [COMIC]
What Superman gets up to on a particularly boring day.
- Authors
- By Fatawesome .com
- Published
The 5 Most Pointless Ways Big Budget Movies Blew Millions
Movie budgets have gotten so large that it's almost impossible to imagine just what it is they're spending these hundreds of millions on. Well, as with most Hollywood stories, the reality seems more unrealistic than even the worst special effect.
- Authors
- By Bobby "Fatboy" Roberts
- Published
6 Movie Monsters That Just Wouldn't Work
When a creature flick comes along that is so preposterously ridiculous, so patently absurd, so monstrously unscientific that the creature in question could never even exist, well, we have no choice but to scream
- Authors
- By Rohan Ramakrishnan
- Published
The Deleted Final Scene from 'Cast Away' [COMIC]
The island changes a man.
- Authors
- By Space Avalanche
- Published