Movies & TV

14 Hilariously Inaccurate Foreign Posters for American Films
Are people overseas even seeing the same movies as us?
- Authors
- By R.H.T. Lawson
- Published
5 Famous Superhero Secret Identities Updated for Modern Life
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- By Anita Serwacki
- Published
27 Eyebrow Arching Stats About Fictional Universes
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Awesome Ways Famous Plot Twists Were Kept Secret
- Authors
- By Russell Puntenney
- Published
The 6 Stupidest Ways Superheroes Protected Secret Identities
Every respectable superhero must have a secret identity, because there's nothing more heroic than lying to everyone you know.
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok, Diana McCallum
- Published
6 Unresolved Cliffhangers That Ruined Great TV Shows
Let's take a moment to sympathize with the cult followings of these shows who will never know how their stories turned out.
- Authors
- By Henrik Magnusson
- Published
5 Famous Movie Characters Who Wasted Awesome Superpowers
Seriously, most of these characters use their incredible abilities to do one or two neat things and then forget they have them.
- Authors
- By Nathaniel Cope, Josh Hrala, Rich Solomon
- Published
7 Bizarre Early Versions of Famous Characters
The reality is that lots of your favorite franchises had to suffer through ill-conceived false starts before rounding into shape, at which point their creators hoped you would forget all about the early efforts.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto, Maxwell Yezpitelok, Robert Rosati
- Published
5 Terrible Lessons We Learned from Superman Movies
These are pure good vs. evil stories, and Supes is always on the good side. Right?
- Authors
- By Tom Salitsky
- Published
5 Great Movies With Mind-Blowing Symbolism You Didn't Notice
Sometimes a movie you've seen a million times will convince you it's about something very simple, when, in fact, there was a hidden meaning all along.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , J.F. Sargent
- Published
5 Places You'll Recognize from the Background of Every Movie
If you have sharp eyes and an observant mind, you're going to ruin a lot of movies for yourself. If not, that's what we're for.
- Authors
- By Aaron Short
- Published
5 Overused Twist Endings It's Time For Movies to Retire
The drive to make sure every story has a twist means that often we see the same ones over and over again.
- Authors
- By S Peter Davis, Michael Greenbrier
- Published
6 Spectacularly Bad Ideas Movies Convinced You Are Badass
The next time you're trapped in a building with German terrorists, remember that you'd be better off not trying to do any of these things.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Karl Smallwood
- Published