Movies & TV

17 Inevitable, Bizarre Consequences Of Sci-Fi Technology
Sci-Fi tech has absolutely insane implications, if you think about it.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Movie Stunts That Looked Even Crazier Behind The Scenes
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- By Jim Avery
- Published
10 Times Studios Spoiled Their Own Movies
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- By Kevin King, Zanandi Botes
- Published
7 Famous Props That Were A Huge Pain Behind The Scenes
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- By Isaac Cabe
- Published
5 In-Jokes From You Never Noticed In Beloved Shows
At the risk of sounding arrogant, we think we're pretty good at watching TV.
- Authors
- By Mark Hill
- Published
5 Movies That Preach Grand Messages (They Totally Ignore)
Every movie has a message. Unfortunately, a whole lot of them seem to forget that about halfway through.
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- By Alex Hanton, Riley Black, Nathan Wadowski, Terry Dutton
- Published
5 Famous Movie Costumes (That Have Hilarious Secrets)
In some cases, either because they were thinking outside the box or it was Friday at 5:30 p.m., designers have made costumes out of the most random and unglamorous objects ever.
- Authors
- By Kelly Stone
- Published
22 Movie Plots That Require Ridiculous Luck
These movies have more luck than a horseshoe stuffed with four-leaf clovers.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Actors Who Do The Same WTF Specific Thing In Every Movie
No one can explain why the following five stars keep having the same bizarrely specific things happen to them in every single movie.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Nathan Wadowski, Dan Hopper, Cal Wiseman Murray, Peter I. Santiago
- Published
6 Backstage Disasters From Famous Movie Scenes
It takes an awful lot of trickery to make a movie look good.
- Authors
- By Chris Bucholz
- Published
5 Big-Time Players In Your Fav Movies Who Got No Credit
Hollywood doesn't always bother with the whole 'crediting people for their work' thing.
- Authors
- By Cedric Voets
- Published
6 Insane Law Enforcement Stories (That Are 100 Percent True)
Here are some bumbling doofus cops, and the dingus mistakes they made. Please enjoy.
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- By James Freeth
- Published
5 Movies Where Everyone Ignores The HUGE Actual Problem
Sometimes a movie will accidentally toss out an Earth-shaking revelation that makes the actual plot look like a Goop post guest-written by Jaden Smith.
- Authors
- By Spencer Thew, Nathan Kamal, E.M. Caris, Jordan Breeding, Riley Black, Dan Hopper
- Published
5 Beloved Children's Films That Are Secretly Terrifying
Almost any movie can be turned into a horror story ... even the family-friendly ones.
- Authors
- By Mark Hill
- Published
5 Famous Movies Rescued by the Last Person You'd Expect
Weirdly random celebs are responsible for accidentally altering pop culture forever with sudden bursts of benevolent entitlement.
- Authors
- By JM McNab
- Published