This Fish Tank Takes Care Of Itself (So You Don't Have To)

This piece was written by the people who run the Cracked Store to tell you about products that are being sold there.
Fish are perfect for people who love the feeling of being a nurturer but don't have the time or energy for a pet that requires walking. But for an animal that requires little investment beyond some daily pinches of smelly flakes, fish are prone to dying if you're not careful. To reduce the frequency of involuntary fish slaughter and help your home support other forms of life, take a look at the EcoQube C Aquarium. This habitat is a Kickstarter success story which combines a filterless fish tank with a miniature aquaponic garden. Here's why you should get excited about it:
You'll Never Have To Change The Tank Water
A neglected fish tank is possibly one of the grossest objects someone would be willing to have in their home. Not only do you have to siphon out several gallons of foul-smelling water (preferably without spilling it anywhere), but you also have to keep your swimming friends alive throughout all of it. However, the EcoQube uses the root system of a plant to become a totally self-cleaning aquarium. Since its roots are the filter, there's no tedious cleaning process or hardware to change out. All you have to do is sit back and let it absorb the nitrogen, like some kind of sentient toilet-creature. Completely removing the need for ecosystem maintenance is an excellent value proposition, especially if you also have no idea how plants work.
It Grows You Fresh Herbs With Zero Effort
This aquarium provides you with a perfect environment for growing greens like mint and basil. In addition to providing an organic water filter, your plant gets constantly fed by the waste of your scaly dependents. With this mutually beneficial micro-environment thriving in your house, you'll feel like a real-life gardener of sorts. Also a plus: Your tank will smell like the inside of a spice rack. Just try to remember that these fish are for owning, not eating.
It's The Only Aquarium That Will Save You Money
Besides saving you over $250 per year on filters and god knows how much on fish food, the EcoQube also uses 50 percent less energy than a normal aquarium, and 90 percent less water. It's an excellent way to spruce up a shoebox-sized studio or bring the mysteries of the sea to your off-the-grid desert dwelling. It usually costs $170, but you can pick up the EcoQube C Aquarium from our store for just $99.99.
I shall buy a BMX Cat and I shall name him Rowlf.
If you STILL don't feel ready for a pet, focus on yourself with Give Your Self-Care Some Self-Flair With The Cracked Store.