Bryan Singer Dropped From 'Red Sonja' For The Worst Reason

The Hollywood Reporter seems to have slipped the news that X-Men director / alleged teen-boy-sexual-assaulter Bryan Singer has been dropped from directing the long-planned Red Sonja remake (incidentally, in an article about a completely different set of Hollywood creeps).
If you think he was fired because it's obviously the right thing to do, you're adorable. The guy in charge of that decision is Hollywood producer Avi Lerner, who only dropped Singer when he couldn't sell the project to a U.S. distributor with Singer attached. Lerner sticking by Singer's side is the exact kind of corrupt business decision you'd expect from a guy who 1) is embroiled in his own sexual harassment and gender bias lawsuits, and 2) called the extremely credible allegations against Singer "agenda-driven fake news," which is just, I mean, c'mon.
You know you've hit rock bottom when you're using Trump-speak to defend an accused molester simply to make another Red Sonja movie. She did begin as a Marvel character, after all. Maybe, with some incredibly ill-advised reshoots, it's not too late to add the She-Devil of the Hyborian Age and her iconic chainmail bikini to Avengers: Endgame.
Luis can be found on Twitter and Facebook. And check out his regular contributions to Macaulay Culkin's Goop parody
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