How 8 Great Movies Would Be Even Better With A New Director

Cracked is as guilty as anyone about complaining that all modern movies are basically the same thing, rehashed over and over. It's a valid argument, but we never want you to think that we don't notice the incredible diversity and artistic vision that different directors bring to the table. It's one thing to talk about it. It's another thing entirely to show you what it would actually look like if you took a popular title and inserted another director ...
Clint Eastwood's Dirty Grandpa
Tim Burton's The Revenant
Watch Randall Maynard's comedy short film Spider-Man -- The Lost Avenger, and follow him on Twitter and Tumblr!
What do Chuck Norris, Liam Neeson in Taken, and the Dos Equis guy have in common? They're all losers compared to some of the actual badasses from history whom you know nothing about. Come out to the UCB Sunset for another LIVE podcast, April 9 at 7:00 p.m., where Jack O'Brien, Michael Swaim, and more will get together for an epic competition to find out who was the most hardcore tough guy or tough gal unfairly relegated to the footnotes of history. Get your tickets here!
Psst ... want to give us feedback on the super-secret beta launch of the upcoming Cracked spin-off site, Braindrop? Well, simply follow us behind this curtain. Or, you know, click here: Braindrop.
Randall Maynard is the hardest-hitting photoshopper in the league. For more from him, check out 10 Gritty Reboots We Can't Stop Hollywood From Making, and if that's not enough grittiness for you, then slam down an ice-cold glass of 13 Great Uses For Bad Dialogue From 'True Detective'.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to see Randall throw down some sweet Photoshop skills in New Guy Weekly -- The Animated Series, and watch other videos you won't see on the site!
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