10 Gritty Reboots We Can't Stop Hollywood From Making

Hey, didn't you hear? The world is dark and very serious. The fun, colorful things you used to love? They're all blue and gray now. The joy has been removed and replaced with foreboding and grit and seriousness. Oh god, the seriousness!
Not even the fun movies and shows you grew up with can escape the grittiness of the modern world. It's only a matter of time before Hollywood notices they've got the rights to beloved properties that have not yet been rebooted into "realistic" dramas entirely devoid of the fun that made them great to begin with. So, if some Hollywood producer is struggling to find a way to depressify something silly, maybe these movie posters will jog their creative energies.
Biker Mice From Mars
The Toxic Avenger
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For more shows Hollywood is probably going to poach from our childhood, read If Every Kids' Show Got a Gritty Live-Action Reboot, and check out 5 Movie Reboots That Must Be Stopped to see some depressing movies we'll be getting soon.
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