Top Picks for 10.30.09: Spooktacular Blood and Douchebags!

Top Picks for 10.30.09: Spooktacular Blood and Douchebags!

Some of the best stuff from around the web and the Mirth Canal.


The Bloodiest Adult Swim Moments of 2009:

Return of the Living Douchebags:

Halloween Sluts to the rescue!:

Home Alone meets Saw:

10 Celebrities Who Need Mustaches:

The best Ghostbusters dance ever:
Check it out in the Mirth Canal.

What Bucholz will be handing out instead of candy:

Pumpkins Gone Wild:

Who knew living next to the Morning Star would be so awful:

Britney Spears's new video is spooktacularly sexy:

Love knows no bounds, even a 95-year age difference:

Strange sports dives:

Halloween costumes guaranteed to cost you your v-card (guarantee not validated by

This kid is one step away from being the new Puppet Master:
Thanks to xStephan in the Mirth Canal.

The best Halloween Costumes of 2009:

10 Triumphs of Italian Horror:

Bow to your new overlord:

Sasha Grey is the sexiest Wonder Woman on the planet:

If you thought people dressing as a deceased Steve Irwin was offensive, prepare yourself to be disgusted in humanity:

See what the celebrities are dressing up as:

Tera Lynn can light our pumpkins' candles this Halloween (we're talking about our boners here):

And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Elvis really loved his friggin' sandwiches.
Submitted by Truthiness in the Mirth Canal.

If you want to find out what we're looking at online before we post it here, be sure to follow us on Twitter
and become our fan on Facebook.


Courage Wolf teaches you how to be a goddamn man:

Tom Hanks is a drunk asshole:

The Most Ridiculous Rap Lyrics of All Time:

Nope, the government never wastes taxpayer money:

Sausage Factory:

11 Mediocre TV Shows With Awesome Theme Songs:

Turns out cats aren't plotting world domination while their owners are away:

8 Robberies With Spectacular Getaways:

10 Military Catastrophes:

The world's largest (and creepiest) mall:
Thanks to RocketRobinhood in the Mirth Canal.

James Franco can't say "Gucci":

The Middle of McNowhere:

We can't be sure, but didn't the Mayans predict this as one of the signs of the coming apocalypse?:

10 Overlooked Horror Movies:

Yeah! Take that you smarmy Jesus-freaks:

10 Funny Clips from Super Dave:

The Mobile Dominatrix:

"Being a giraffe is so totally aw- OHGODPLANE!":

Looks like Australia's future is more than just bowie knives and Fosters:
Thanks to norumaru in the Mirth Canal.

Get 'em while they're hot, boys. Women of the future will be a little shorter and a little rounder:

10 Foreign Horror Classics:

Would You Accept One-Million Dollars if it Meant Someone Would Die?:

And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Is James Brown dead or alive?.
Submitted by SammyBasketball in the Mirth Canal.

If you want to find out what we're looking at online before we post it here, be sure to follow us on Twitter
and become our fan on Facebook.


The 9 Stupidest Surprise Endings Imaginable:

Badass ways to carve pumpkins:

Rainn Wilson's guide to Halloween pranks:

The Best Brock Beatdowns:

College Humor's MySpace friends are disturbing... to put it politely:

The 7 Rules Every Sports Movie Lives By by. Cracked writer Jeff Kelly:

We didn't think any gang could top the Warriors, until now:
Thanks to Zach in the Mirth Canal.

10 Ass-Kicking Kung Fu Battles:

The world's most dangerous job: Russian garbage collector:

The best of "People of Wal-Mart":

21 Costumes That Will Not Get You Laid (unfortunately for Brockway, his drunk hobo costume is on here):

The 20 Drunkest Animals on YouTube:

What's the Most Embarrassing Movie You Ever Watched With a Parent:

10 Cruel Things Women Do to Men:


Amy Walker displays her 21 accents:
Thanks to Basket Full of Kittens in the Mirth Canal.

45 Douchebags and Douchebaguettes:

The dark secret of an adult hall monitor:

Robots Can't Act: Goodfellas:

And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Apparently schoolyard shenanigans have a home on Wikipedia also.
Submitted by College Binary in the Mirth Canal.


The best of Internet bacon:

13 Most Disturbing Episodes from Kid Friendly Shows:

The Craziest Online Dating Sites:

A Pixar Parody:

Top 100: NES Games:

There's a Rep for that:

Best Venture Bros one shot characters:

What stormtroopers do on their day off:
Thanks to Igotantsinmypants in the Mirth Canal.

This SnackBot puts Brockway's to shame (it was only a roller skate):

Transformers vs. G.I. JOE:

Maybe puppeteering isn't a bad choice of profession:

This just in: Avoid sexing ducks if you don't want bird flu:
Thanks to Snake Face in the Mirth Canal.

20 Ironic Photos:

The Fan We Love to Hate:

Cracked's Naked Guy of the Week: There are actually three naked guys in this, but first prize goes to the one who invoked the spirit of George Lucas.

Vote for the Most Annoying TV Character:

The most impressive meat eater on the planet:

Someone's going to need some ice for this burn:

The pube controversy:

Halloween Safety Tips with Jack O. Lantern:

And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Japan takes pranking to a new perverted level.
Submitted by TheWhitestCrow in the Mirth Canal.


Venture Bros returns for its fourth season:

The Most Inappropriate Halloween Costumes:

First they start as babies, pretty soon they're our robot overlords. Thanks France:

Every Kramer Entrance:

Lolcats are so 2008. Average Cats is the way of the future:
Thanks to ArsonTheMusical in the Mirth Canal.

The Worst Video Game Cockblockers:

A review of Paranormal Activity:

A Tribute to Captain Lou Albano:

Cracked's Naked Guy of the Week: This guy foiled an attempted carjacking, buck naked. Take that, cops.

'Black' Belts -- A Guide to Brothers in Kung Fu and Karate Movies:

Bet Gretzky could never do this:
Thanks to reckless abrandon in the Mirth Canal.

Koko B. Ware's bitching music video:

Yoga bloopers... with hot chicks:

6 Directors Who Should've Failed But Didn't:

21 Awesome Photos Featuring Art by Michael Page:

What's a show goat without a tutu?:

Puppy attacks rottweiler, cuteness ensues:

25 Awesome Horror Kills:

Toad breaks the bad news about the hot air balloon kid:

Garter jeans are all sorts of wrong:

20 Things in Nature that Look Exactly Like Boobs:

And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Was Lincoln gay?
Submitted by Quagmar in the Mirth Canal.


Top 10 Legendary Movie Guns:

The 12 Most Ridiculous Sounding Sex Moves:

Make sure to check back every Friday to get your NFL recap with Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force:

An even tougher scenario: Sam Raimi versus Christopher Nolan:

10 Badass Movie Spaceships:

"Hehe, net to the head." "Ha ha, kick to the fucking face.":

Top 10 Things That Happened Behind Reporters' Backs:

20 Female WTF Moments:

The Italian Spiderman Series:
Thanks to The Moose in the Mirth Canal.

Taking a cue from the Nobel Committee, Popular Mechanics tops its "Products of the Year" list with a non-existent product:

Cracked's Naked Guy of the Week: This old guy who was arrested for driving around in the buff. Bonus points for having over 100 naked pictures of himself also.
Slutty costumes... for your dog:

25 Interesting Halloween Costume Ideas:

How to Match the Carpet to the Drapes:

Four Sex Positions Men Aren't Really Into:

Awesome clips from Cops:

Mayans to rest of the world: Do not be scared of the year 2012:
Thanks to wickbam in the Mirth Canal.

How to Get Paid to Use Facebook:

Laura C makes a hideous two-piece look quite nice:

What's going on over at the Today Show?:

Fill in the Blank: Fat Kids:

Kids will do anything for some late night McDonald's:

When Politicians Get Horny:

And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Vince McMahon wishes he thought of this.
Submitted by The Hulk in the Mirth Canal.


More Awesome Robot Chicken Sex Scenes:

A tough scenario: Spider-Man versus Batman:

What's cheaper than BOTOX but still does the same thing? Semen:

A very special Office wedding dance:

20 photos of Asians being totally normal and not at all weird:

This is how art should be done:
Thanks to DevlindeSade in the Mirth Canal.

Stick this one in the "Only in Georgia" file. So much for Southern charm:

Hey look, Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize:

11 Spot-On Song Parodies from South Park:

25 Questionable T-Shirts:

15 Women Who Look Better With Mustaches:

How do you piss off an Aussie? Ration his beer, of course:

A Collection of Sexy Magician Assistants:

Apparently restraining orders extend to Facebook pokes also:

Cracked's Naked Guy of the Week: Dallas's serial naked, backyard dancer, who's been going strong for four years. Keep dancing, man.
Just in case the tunnel scene from Willy Wonka didn't scare you enough:
Thanks to Disco Stu in the Mirth Canal.

Honolulu knows what's up. Hopefully Paris is next:

Jahzmin is the sexiest spice... something... something, rack:

20 Funkiest Television Theme Songs:

LG's 10 Favorite Stoner Movies. Don't forget the munchies, man:

In the year 3000:

"Bill, will you take the kids to daycare today?" "Yes! Fucking, yes!":

The best non-costume costumes ever:

Shephard Smith with the Quote of the Day:

And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: What's the sky like on other planets?
Submitted by nunu in the Mirth Canal.


Ask Men's Top 49 Most Influential Men:

Deadpool and Frodo Baggins taze the "I'm on a Boat" dude right in the ass:

Finish him Liu! Put him out of his misery!:

An interview with Rachel Leigh Cook:

20 Awesome Celebrity Mullets:

10 "Oh Crap I'm Going to Die" Moments:

5 Women Hotter Than Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive (coincidentally, two of them were already ESWA):

Miss 50 Bikini Contest is Impossible to Believe:

"Sir, are you sure you're sober?" "Shut up and tattoo that dong on me right now.":

10 Rom-Com Heart Throbs Who Need Restraining Orders:

Happy Birthday Monty Python!:
Thanks to Disco Stu in the Mirth Canal.

"Don't Cha Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like" Colbie Caillat?:

Top 5 Dating Do's and Don'ts:

The 10 Worst Celebrity Interviews with David Letterman:

5 Comics that Should be Rated R Movies:

11 Things That Will Kill Your Road Trip:

When trying to boost your grade fails:

"Ravens are known to be fiendishly clever":
Thanks to wickbam in the Mirth Canal.

This is how fishermen make hunters jealous:

Politicians wearing make-up:

Careful kids, apparently smoking will turn you into a gay:

And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Mike the Headless Chicken.
Submitted by demha in the Mirth Canal.


In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month: The 15 Strangest Breast Cancer Awareness Products:

Original episodes of The Office:

Top 10 Videogames that let You Kill Nazis:

Mad Men... the Sesame Street edition:

Star Wars re-envisioned by the nerds who obsess over it:

Our hero, the Humping Guy, returns:
Thanks to optionlace via email.

The Definitive PG Porn Collection:

Probably the worst note you can get from your mom:

Would you rather have a World Series Ring or a World-Class Model?:

A group of women try to draw the U.S. from memory:

14 Actresses that Have Made Out With Chicks... Twice:

An alarm clock for only the laziest of people out there:

"Have we covered all our bases?" "I thin- wait, what if Disney comes back to life?":
Thanks to Man with Beard in the Mirth Canal.

Memorable Music Moments in Movies:

Zombies versus Vampires: Who'd Win?:

11Points makes a case for the WNBA. We just want more photos of Lauren Jackson naked:

Gladstone said he'd pay to see a John Edwards sex tape. That's why we moved his office to the bathroom:

32 pictures of what not to wear to a football game:

If you can't have fun with this, then what can you have fun with?:
Thanks to benfromcanada in the Mirth Canal.

This is the luckiest baby on the planet:

Are you color blind?:

Sex, drugs and puppets. Check out "Heart Felt":

Conan versus the Mayor of Newark:

And finally, your insane Wikipedia page of the day: Pierre the balding penguin.
Submitted by Quagmar in the Mirth Canal.

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