The Worst Possible Time to Get An Erection

There are right and wrong times for everything. This is arguably more true for erections than anything else in the world.
We asked you to Photoshop us the worst possible times to get an erection. The winner is below, but first the runners up.
by SpaceJase
by DevlindeSade
by Senor_Taco
by TheoSchmeeo
by Djavo
by jerewhit
by joscott
by MajorDSaster
by mcjiggles
by Belms
by Hans_Solo
by SeanGleeson
by some0ne
by TheDann
by Belms
by Cee-Ell
by dagur
by Daedalus
by SeanGleeson
by McBeefy
And the winner is...
by MsMarchHare
Congrats, MsMarchHare. You win money.
Want in on this?
You'll have another chance. Your theme is:
The Most Important Things Ever Thrown in the Trash.
You get to sort through the garbage cans of important people throughout history, to get a new perspective on events based on documents/messages/objects we never saw because they wound up in the trash.
If you'd like to see the entries from this week that didn't make it, check here. Or, find out What Everyday Life Would Look Like if Michael Bay Directed it. And for pictures too strange to make up, but not too strange to make fun of, check out The Daily Craption Contest.
Got an idea for a future Cracked Photoshop contest? Let us know. ,