15 Ill-Conceived Displays of Patriotism
Whether we're lighting up the sky with brightly colored explosions or simply chanting USA! over and over again, Americans have always found eloquent ways to express our love of country. But sometimes, well, we express those feelings in ways that are less eloquent and more sad, cynical and retarded.
We asked you to Photoshop us the most grossly ill-conceived patriotic displays possible. The winner is below, but first the runners up.
by AceJustice
by ligerlilly
by Sublex
by maweki
by sticksauce
by name818
by Cee-Ell
by dagur
by McBeefy
by Djavo
by newdecade
by SamLowery
by bonzozzy
by Yojan
And the winner is...
Congrats, ambulanceblues. You win money.
Want in on this?
You'll have another chance. Your theme is:
The Worst Time to Get An Erection.
If you'd like to see the entries from this week that didn't make it, check here. Or, find out What Everyday Life Would Look Like if Michael Bay Directed it. And for pictures too strange to make up, but not too strange to make fun of, check out The Daily Craption Contest.
Got an idea for a future Cracked Photoshop contest? Let us know. ,