Seann William Scott Never Shared the Screen with ‘American Pie’ Mom Jennifer Coolidge

Believe it or not, there was a time in the not-so-distant past when the term “MILF” wasn’t part of the American vernacular. That all changed with the release of 1999’s American Pie, in which party-goers extolled the virtues of Stifler’s mom. (That’s young John Cho, billed as “MILF Guy No. 2.”) Call Websters because this one is going in the dictionary.
But here’s a weird fact — despite Jennifer Coolidge appearing in four different American Pie movies as Stifler’s Mom, she never shared the screen with Seann William Scott, who played Stifler, the kid without a first name. “I actually never really had any scenes with her,” Scott told PEOPLE. “We were in the same projects, but we never like… I don’t think there was one scene that we actually did together.”
Scott’s memory seems like it couldn’t possibly be right — until you think about it. Coolidge’s Jeanine Stifler may have been a MILF, but she wasn’t much of a traditional mom. What kind of parent gets busy with your high school classmate?
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Coolidge took it a step further in real life. She told British GQ that she later lived with Eddie Kaye Thomas, who played Finch, the lad who seduced her (or was it vice-versa?) in American Pie. But it was only a platonic roomie situation, she explained. “I wasn’t the love of his life. He had girlfriends. My bedroom was across the hallway from his.”
Things may have been “just pals” with Thomas, but American Pie gave Coolidge a legendary status that stayed with her for years. “It helped my dating life in a way that I can’t ever explain,” Coolidge told Ariana Grande in Entertainment Weekly. “If I hadn’t had that movie, I don’t think… Well, let’s just say it would’ve been a very dull decade.”
Instead, it was a very athletic one. “I got a lot of play being a MILF,” Coolidge told Variety. “And I got a lot of sexual action from American Pie. There were so many benefits to doing that movie. … There would be, like, 200 people that I would never have slept with.”
No wonder Coolidge never filmed a scene with Scott — she was too busy cementing her MILF reputation. The actors haven’t seen much of each other in recent years either, “for no other reason other than it’s kind of life and how it is in our business,” Scott said. “You just kind of finish a project, you go to another one.”
Rumors of another American Pie reunion were circulating as recently as late 2024, meaning a Scott/Coolidge paring could still happen. Scott would be down for it — and he even has his own pitch for another sequel. “I obviously love everybody from the movies.”