24 Pleasant Websites That’ll Put a Smile on Even the Most Serious Doomscroller’s Face

It’s bird time
24 Pleasant Websites That’ll Put a Smile on Even the Most Serious Doomscroller’s Face

Plenty of our problems stem from always being on our damn phones. But if you’re hellbent on remaining Logged On™, at least ease up on the doomscrolling and fold some soothing websites into the mix.

When one Redditor needed a break from all of the world’s negativity, they decided to pay a visit to the self-proclaimed nicest place on the internet. The website is a crowdsourced collection of videos of people saying hello and hugging the camera. Though this may be cringe for some, those virtual hugs really helped the Redditor through some hard times. 

Other Redditors have shared the nice pockets of the internet they like to visit, including happy-go-lucky stops for Lego lovers, hardware hackers and fossil fans.






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