Dana Carvey Posts ‘Wayne’s World’ Throwback Photo With Lorne Michaels Following ‘SNL50’ No-Show

Saturday Night Live fans are still concerned over Dana Carvey’s absence from the SNL50 special this past Sunday, but don’t worry too much about the SNL legend — he’ll always party on.
The official explanation for the chameleonic comedy actor’s conspicuous truancy from SNL’s half-century celebration is that Carvey, 69, had a bad case of the flu that he couldn’t kick in time for this past Sunday’s festivities. Given that America is in the middle of one of its worst flu seasons in generations, that explanation seems plausible enough, but the absence of one of SNL’s most popular return performers from the official alumni guest list that dropped in the lead-up to SNL50 has fans worried that the Master of Disguise star may have something more serious going on in his life right now besides a bad bug.
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Well, Carvey’s Twitter account is here to assuage some fears with a welcome throwback to the days when “Wayne’s World” was the hottest fake public access television show on SNL and both the boss and The Boss were on set:
Of course, we have no way of knowing whether or not the comedian who endeared himself to an entire generation of rock music fans by playing Garth Algar, the nervous, idiosyncratic sidekick to Mike Myers’ Wayne Campbell, actually runs the Twitter account that seems to be running point for Lore Michaels’ PR department following the release of the Los Angeles Times article about the comedy kingmaker. Given that each post on Carvey’s Twitter feed is a hashtag-laden promotional tweet supporting his podcasts and projects, I’d lean toward some social media manager having the passkeys for the account, and Carvey himself is still laying low.
While the picture of Carvey, Myers, Michaels, Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen on set at SNL is certainly a charming piece of entertainment history, it’s done little to distract Carvey's fans from their crusade to uncover the “real” reason why we didn’t get a Church Lady sketch on SNL50. Right now, the top reply to the above post reads, “Why weren’t you there?”
“Wish you were there. I heard that you were under the weather. Get well soon,” another fan added.
One more replier asked, “Hey Dana— you were much missed this weekend. Where were you?”
Clearly, the mystery behind Carvey’s whereabouts on the night of Sunday, February 16th hasn’t been solved for a large number of the comic’s fans, and no amount of nostalgia-posting will stop their questioning. But, really, is it that unbelievable that a man in his late 60s missed a party because he had the flu? Or, if it wasn’t the flu, maybe he just saw that one incredible woman and had to hurl.