Here Are the Leaked Episode Titles for ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Season 17

An It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia superfan believes that he has the running order for the show’s upcoming 17th season, and God help whatever poor soul suffers the ironic consequences of the smash-cut to the title card in “Mac and Dennis Become EMTs.”
We’re only a couple months away from the next season of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia as the vague, non-commital June 2025 premiere date for Season 17 that Rob McElhenney and Kaitlin Olson teased creeps ever closer like Nightman sneaking in through a tiny baby boy’s window. Always Sunny Season 17 will arrive nearly two years after the most recent episode, the Season 16 finale “Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day,” which saw the Golden God daydream about murdering Elon Musk and eating his heart, and the show’s most passionate fans have grown antsy following such an extended hiatus and the tragic and unceremonious ending of The Always Sunny Podcast.
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Then, this past weekend, the operator of the Paddy's Pub Blog, himself an impatient and prying power player from the Always Sunny fandom, found a list of the supposed titles for all eight episodes in the upcoming season buried in the WGA website. And so, as we anxiously await the overdue arrival of Always Sunny in Season 17, here are the leaked titles and some accompanying plot-line predictions:
Prediction: Dennis’ obsession with purity manifests in a scheme to breed thoroughbred greyhounds and juice them up with performance-enhancing drugs to fix dog races. Also, this is definitely the episode that inspired this hilarious note from FX Standards and Practices.
“Mac and Dennis Become EMTs”
Prediction: A sequel to the Season Three episode “Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City,” where Dennis and Mac drive around in an old ambulance to reap the social benefits of being perceived as medical professionals. This one will end with both Mac and Dennis suffering catastrophic injuries, and the closing shot will be of real first responders wheeling them into a real ambulance.
“Overage Drinking: A National Concern”
Prediction: Obviously a follow-up to the Season One episode “Underage Drinking: A National Concern,” as Paddy’s Pub becomes the preferred hangout for a community of retirees. No one’s going to prom this time — not even Charlie.
“Thought Leadership: A Corporate Conversation”
Prediction: The men of Paddy’s Pub get caught up in an Andrew Tate-style alpha male grifter seminar where they nearly lose all their shares in the bar to a convincing finance influencer, only for The Gang to scare him off by being even more toxic and destructive than the Tates.
“The Gang Fucks Up Abbott Elementary”
Prediction: This is clearly the episode when we find out what Dennis was doing during the first half of the Abbott Elementary/Always Sunny crossover while Glenn Howerton was busy with his scheduling conflict. Dennis commits an arson-level crime that leads to the entire gang getting double the community service sentence than the one that led them to Willard R. Abbott Elementary School.
“The Gang Gets Ready for Prime Time”
Prediction: A meta episode in the vein of “The Gang Desperately Tries to Win an Award” where The Gang makes another bid for mainstream acceptance, perhaps by partnering with a more widely accepted bar from West Philly for a pop-up collab that’s more palatable to the public than Paddy’s Pub’s usual antics.
“Frank is in a Coma”
Prediction: The most abstract and conceptual episode of the season, Frank comes to terms with his declining faculties and advanced age in a series of surreal scenes that make us wonder what’s real and what’s just the coma/years of chemical abuse talking.
“The Golden Bachelor Live”
Prediction: Inspired by the success of the ABC dating show spinoff “The Golden Bachelor,” Dee disguises herself as an older woman to win the heart (and wallet) of a wealthy retiree, only for Artemis, The Waitress and Gail the Snail to derail the scheme by making the exact same play.