20 of the Greatest Found Pieces of Lost Media

Much like that one funny TikTok you can’t find again — even after scrolling to the deepest depths of your saved tab — there’s some art you have to appreciate in real time and then kiss goodbye.
Despite our best efforts, streaming cuts, link rot and the royalty-stopping greed of our corporate overlords are actively disappearing our favorite films, TV series and social media shorts. However, we’re far from the only generation to grapple with preserving creative works for future generations. Just ask silent film stars, the BBC in the 1960s and Sesame Street fans still traumatized by some of the series’ not-so-kid-friendly segments.
But some art is rescued from the rubble, meaning bygone episodes of Doctor Who and creepy made-for-TV movies are seeing the light of day once again. In fact, here are 20 once-lost pieces of media that have since been found.
Now, if we could only get our hands on Coyote vs Acme…
‘Cartoon Lost & Found’

The Wicked Witch on ‘Sesame Street’

‘The Passion of Joan of Arc’

Fritz Lang's ‘Metropolis’

‘Frankenstein,’ 1910

CNN’s Doomsday Video

‘Cleopatra,’ 1917

Chris Farley’s ‘Shrek’

Various Episodes of ‘Doctor Who’

‘Sleeping Lady With Black Vase’


‘Within Our Gates’

‘DEATHMETAL’ by Panchiko

‘Nicktoons Get Zombified’

‘Last Battle of Atlanta’

‘The Mr. Potato Head Show’

‘The Pill Pounder’

‘The Oubliette’


‘Cry Baby Lane’