Norm Macdonald’s Favorite ‘Weekend Update’ Targets to Roast That Weren’t O.J.

During his time as host of SNL’s Weekend Update, Norm Macdonald’s favorite person to ridicule, of course, was O.J. Simpson, which he’d pay the ultimate price for. Okay, maybe not the “ultimate price” according to O.J.’s definition, but Macdonald did lose his job at SNL because of those jokes.
O.J. wasn’t Macdonald’s only punching bag though, as he had a few other recurring characters he loved to take it to. Here are five of them…
David Hasselhoff
Every chance Macdonald got to bring up the name “David Hasselhoff,” he took it. It wasn’t even that he’d ridicule Hasselhoff, Macdonald just loved the running gag where he’d say, “Which once again proves my theory: Germans love David Hasselhoff.”
Which, of course, they do, as has been statistically proven.
Hillary Clinton
Clinton was a frequent target of Macdonald’s, including references to her being the “First Bitch.” Attorney General Janet Reno and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright received more than their fair share of ridicule from Macdonald, too.
Madonna was the subject of a lot of “Madonna is a whore” jokes. Case in point: “Weekend Update would like to congratulate Madonna, who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last Monday. The baby weighed in at six pounds, nine ounces, making it the fourth largest object ever to pass through Madonna’s birth canal.”
Michael Jackson
Macdonald frequently called Jackson a “homosexual pedophile,” with jokes like, “While in the hospital, Michael Jackson had his room specially decorated with two huge photos of Shirley Temple. But don’t get the wrong idea here, Michael Jackson is a homosexual pedophile.”
Frank Stallone
Macdonald’s best running joke was a total non sequitur about Sylvester Stallone’s brother, Frank. Frank Stallone was blamed for toxic waste dumps, fish deaths and economic downturns, among other totally random things. The jokes became such a hit that Sly himself asked Macdonald to stop doing them, which Macdonald uncharacteristically complied with.