Lil’ Kev From ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Posts Throwback to His Popcorn Days

A prominent musical act from Paddy’s Pub’s past is reminiscing on old times, and I’m not talking about the Electric Dream Machine.
Back in the early days of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the show got away with some storylines that probably wouldn’t sneak past the FX censors in 2025. Every It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia fan has strong feelings one way or another about The Gang’s prior habitual use of blackface and racist caricatures that led to Hulu scrubbing a small handful of offending episodes in 2020, but there are still plenty of aggressively un-PC plot lines from the first few seasons of Always Sunny that survive on streaming and in our memories.
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Actor Kyle Davis has such memories of a time when It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia would smash-cut to title cards like “Sweet Dee’s Dating a Retarded Person” all the way back in Season Three, and he posted a subtle throwback to his iconic Always Sunny cameo on Facebook, probably not from his mom’s house:
Davis, who only became an actor after a torn ACL ended his professional skateboarding career, has long embraced his two-episode arc on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (Lil’ Kev returned in the Season Six episode “Dee Gives Birth" when the Gang goes looking for the father of Dee’s child). Back in 2017, Davis started a YouTube channel dedicated to the side character called “Lil’ Kev & Friends” where he would talk about his brief time on the show and perform bespoke rap songs for Always Sunny shitposting forums.
Davis also did a boozy AMA in the Always Sunny subreddit back in 2019 where he admitted to being a big fan of the show beyond his own involvement in the series, saying of his favorite Always Sunny episodes (sic throughout), “I like the one where they buy a boat. The garbage cat one. The one were danny is playing russian roulette. Sorry I dont know the episodes names,” referencing “The Gang Buys a Boat,” “Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City” and “Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody’s Ass” respectively.
During the Q&A, Davis also commented on how we haven’t seen Lil’ Kev in Always Sunny since Season Six, writing, “I was supposed to be in one in season 13 but it didn’t pan out. and then Glen Howerton did that article for some big magazine about how he didn’t like saying the word retarded. and that became a big thing and actually pulled my episode. it only airs on a few different networks now. So who knows if they will ever have me back.”
As of this morning, however, “Sweet Dee Is Dating A Retarded Person” is still streaming on Hulu, so Lil’ Kev’s memory must be a little off — but he never forgets the popcorn.