20 of the Biggest Dirtbags in Sitcom History

TV is full of scumbags — and not just on the news. That tends to confuse people who believe fictional characters must be good and likable, otherwise it sends a bad message, but storytelling has to be more nuanced than that. It’s not only hilarious to watch a comically terrible person, it actually underscores just how terrible they are. Nobody comes away from an episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia thinking, “These are great people I wish to emulate.”
On the other hand, if a character is portrayed as a person the viewer is supposed to like, it’s bad if they’re terrible. How many people who grew up watching Friends adopted a persistent habit of relentlessly mocking their peers because that’s how those goblins bonded? That show left a trail of hurt feelings and bad haircuts in its wake.
As a result, one Reddit user asked r/AskReddit, “Which sitcom character was the worst human being EVER?”

Parks and Recreation

Everybody Loves Raymond


Family Guy


The Big Bang Theory

The Office

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia


King of the Hill

Red Dwarf



The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


South Park

Saved By the Bell


Arrested Development