20 Movies That Aren’t As Deep As Everyone Thinks

Perhaps no medium is more inclusive of the full human range of idiocy than filmmaking. If you want to ruminate philosophically, there’s movies for that, but if you want a silly romcom, there’s also plenty of those. Stupid comedy? They’ve got those, too. Much stupider, Sausage Party-level piece of crap? It’s available if you want it, for some reason.
Sometimes, however, people get confused about which ones are which. They think that just because something doesn’t make any sense, it must have such a deep meaning that their puny little brains can’t comprehend it, but they’re actually both more and less stupid than they give themselves credit for. That’s why user PMme_ur_grocery_list asked r/AskReddit, “What movie is totally stupid or makes no sense but people act like it’s really deep?”
Requiem for a Dream

A.I.: Artificial Intelligence

Into the Wild

Black Swan

The Cell

The Matrix

Garden State



Leave the World Behind


Eyes Wide Shut

Boondock Saints

The Da Vinci Code




The English Patient

Donnie Darko

Pulp Fiction