26 Movies That Held People’s Attention From Start to Finish

When was the last time you sat down to watch a movie and kept your eyes glued to the screen the entire time? It’s probably been a while. Movies are arguably not made to maintain that kind of attention, if they ever were. Even the ones that aren’t three hours long were filmed with the knowledge that you’d be playing on your phone the whole time. Still, there are some movies that grab you by the face and don’t let go until the credits roll.
For Redditor alfooboboao, it was The Dark Knight. “Opening night was my first ever midnight showing AND my first caffeinated beverage,” they told r/AskReddit. “I will remember that showing for the rest of my life.” They then asked, “What movie was SO damn enthralling that after it hooked you, it never lost your attention for even a single second?”

Ex Machina

Cloud Atlas

Raiders of the Lost Ark


Apollo 13

Pulp Fiction


Mad Max: Fury Road

The Matrix

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Seven Psychopaths


The Menu


Bullet Train

Gone With the Wind


Uncut Gems

The Abyss




Napoleon Dynamite
