20 of the Evilest TV Characters of All Time

Golden age be damned, nuance has no place on television. You want flawed heroes and sympathetic villains? Go read a book, Poindexter. They call it “the idiot box” for a reason, so — a handful of gritty prestige dramas notwithstanding — things are a lot simpler and easier to digest. The good guys are good, and the bad guys are bad. In fact, the bad guys are really bad, to the point that you might develop a gut-level hatred of someone who doesn’t exist.
For one Reddit user, it’s a particular middle-aged gang boss with impeccable lip liner. “I’ve recently been rewatching Orange Is the New Black, and Vee is one of my most hated TV characters,” they told r/AskReddit. “I had forgotten how truly awful she was.”
They then asked, “Who is the most evil tv show character of all time?” and their fellow Redditors responded with all kinds of televised malevolence.
Livia Soprano

Eric Cartman

Fire Lord Ozai

The Truth Behind the Myth of the Devil

Mr. Crabs

Gul Dukat

Walter White

Ramsay Bolton

Marco Inaros

Hannibal Lecter

Kris Jenner

Carol Miller (aka Mom)

June Stahl

Vernon Schillinger

Zebediah Killgrave

Rick Sanchez



Donald Trump

Angelica Pickles