The Titles to the First 10 Episodes of the ‘King of the Hill’ Reboot Seem to Have Leaked

King of the Hill’s highly-anticipated reboot isn’t set to hit the airwaves until early next year, but we may already have a few clues as to what Hank, Peggy, Bobby and the rest of Arlen’s finest may get into during their return to the small screen thanks to recently-published records on the Writers Guild of America’s website.
As of Friday, December 6th, we found that the WGA had added several episode names — likely for the series’ upcoming 14th season — into its Signatory Confirmation Lookups database. A resource aimed at helping buyers determine “which productions are covered by collective bargaining agreements,” the following 10 titles were published under King of the Hill between December 2023 and November 2024:
- “Return of the King”
- “The Beer Story”
- “Chore Money, Chore Problems”
- “Any Given Hill-Day”
- “New Ref in Town”
- “Peggy’s Fadeout”
- “Bobby Gets Grilled”
- “No Hank Left Behind”
- “A Sounder Investment”
- “Kahn-scious Uncoupling”
It’s unclear whether the reboot is a mere 10 episodes or if Mike Judge and company have more in store for their television comeback — King of the Hill featured anywhere from 12 to 25 episodes during each season of its original run — but these titles at least give us some vague idea of what we’re in for story-wise. “Chore Money, Chore Problems” seems to raise questions about which kids on Rainey Street are still doing chores (or have kids of their own), and “Any Given Hill-Day” as well as “A New Ref in Town” would appear to broach possible football-themed arcs.
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“Kahn-scious Uncoupling” is obviously the most eyebrow-arching title among the bunch. After decades of wedded bliss — or should we say wedded indifference? — do Kahn and Minh Souphanousinphone finally call it quits?
Only time — and maybe a hack into Mike Judge’s Google Drive — will tell.