Triggered Andrew Schulz Calls Kendrick Lamar ‘Woke’ for Dissing An Unspecified White Comedian

Kendrick Lamar said that it’s time to stop supporting unfunny white comedians who degrade Black women, and now Andrew Schulz feels attacked.
On Friday, hip-hop giant Lamar surprise-dropped his sixth studio album, GNX, his first full-length record following his highly publicized feud with Drake earlier this year. Never afraid of a fight, the Compton, California-born rapper used GNX to go on the attack against other high-profile artists whom he thinks misuse their platform, rapping on the opening track “wacced out murals” that he wants to “make Katt Williams proud,” a reference to the comic’s many hilarious viral accusations against his line-stepping peers. Lamar then proclaimed, “Don’t let no white comedian talk about no Black woman, that’s law.”
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Despite the fact that Lamar didn’t actually name any white comic guilty of trashing Black women, Schulz has apparently decided that an attack on one douchebag comedian — even an unnamed one — is an attack on all douchebag comedians. When podcaster DJ Akademiks asked Schulz about the track, he accused Lamar of being “too woke to understand a joke,” as if a bar that weak could ever hurt the rapper who made “Not Like Us”:
Like many conservative comedy podcasters, Schulz jumped at the chance to elevate his platform during the recent election cycle by inviting President-Elect Donald Trump onto his show Flagrant to listen to Schulz’ B-minus abortion jokes and court his sizable following of impressionable young white men without pushback. Schulz is one of the most successful second-wave Manosphere podcasters who copied Joe Rogan’s homework en route to creating a high-volume content mill where podcast clips with titles like “Woke Hollywood Proves Liberals Are the Real White Supremacists” amass millions of views, and, with the Trump seal of approval, the New York-born stand-up’s SEO-optimizing brand of comedy is now more visible than ever. But popularity comes with criticism, both implied and imagined.
If Lamar was referencing Schulz in the “wacced out murals” lyric as the comic seems to believe, it’s likely because of a Flagrant episode Schulz recorded with British podcasters James Duncan and Fuhad Dawodu in September wherein the group talked about the “Black Girlfriend Effect” that was popular on TikTok at the time. Instead of rehashing all the jokes the internet already made about buzz-cuts and beards, as is Schulz’ typical approach to trending topics, Schulz went on a rant about how white guys who date Black women “shave their hair because they start losing it from being so stressed, being around this Black girl that’s complaining about shit all the fucking time.”
“They grow a beard because there’s more cushion when they get slapped,” Schulz said of the race-mixers who earned his ire. “I think the Black Girlfriend Effect might be a protective instinct.”
Schulz has refused to apologize for his anti-Black-women, anti-miscegenation “jokes,” but Duncan and Dawodu quickly washed their own hands of the ugly incident. “Andrew was making a joke, frankly a racist joke, and we were laughing at it,” Duncan said on the next episode of the duo’s ShxtsNGigs podcast. “We’re sorry. For me it’s one of them ones where you don’t realize that, when you’re part of a community, you don’t realize you can hurt your own community."
Now, Schulz is claiming that Lamar can’t take a joke, despite the fact that Schulz clearly can’t even hear a diss without telling on himself.