21 Movie Trailers That Were Full of Lies

‘Stardust’ made Robert De Niro look like the villain
21 Movie Trailers That Were Full of Lies

Can you believe that there are people out there who just show up at movie theaters and decide what to see based on posters and vibes? Who don’t have Google alerts set up to let them know the second there’s a new video on the official Marvel YouTube channel? Maybe you don’t fall on either of those extremes, but trailers are still an important part of your cinematic decision-making process.

That’s why it’s so frustrating when a trailer seems deliberately designed to make you think you’re going into an entirely different kind of movie. “For me, it was It Comes at Night,” Redditor WheremypeepsAt told r/Movies. “Went into this one expecting a typical horror fest, but (it) ended up being a display on the horrors of human nature instead. Not at all what I was expecting coming into it and felt let down at the end of it.”

They then asked, “What movie had a trailer that was totally misleading about the premise of the film?” and their fellow Redditor filled the replies with nothing but lies.

The Grey



The Witch


Jurassic World Dominion

From Dusk Till Dawn

Pan’s Labyrinth




In Bruges


Inglourious Basterds



Cabin in the Woods



The Color Purple

Alien 3

Suicide Squad

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