Steve Harvey Implies That He Wants to Knock Katt Williams’ Perm Straight Off His Head

The category is “Celebrity Fights That Could Be on Pay-Per-View.” Show me “Katt Williams and Steve Harvey smacking the shit out of each other!”
At the beginning of 2024, serial shit-starter Katt Williams rang in the new year by going on NFL legend Shannon Sharpe’s podcast Club Shay Shay and talking massive trash about roughly a dozen different stand-up comedians simply for the love of the game. Williams accused aspiring billionaire Kevin Hart of being an industry plant who never sold out a comedy club before beginning his movie career. He said that Michael Blackson is what you get when “most comedians don’t get booed enough.” He even said of Rush Hour star Chris Tucker’s return to comedy, “The Chris Tucker that we have now is Epstein Island Chris Tucker, not Smokey. … He Michael Jackson’s best friend. Michael Jackson called him Christmas. You ever met a man that gave you a nickname like that?”
But the line from Williams’ explosive Club Shay Shay interview that apparently cut the deepest was his comment on the career of Family Feud host Steve Harvey. Williams said of the former King of Comedy, “You couldn’t be a movie star. There are 30,000 new scripts in Hollywood every year. Not one of them asked for a country-bumpkin Black dude that can’t talk good and look like Mr. Potato Head.”
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During a conversation with sportscaster Stephen A. Smith at the entrepreneurship conference Invest Fest in Atlanta this past weekend, Harvey seemed to address Williams’ criticisms while reminding the 5-foot-5 comic that Mr. Potato Head comes with hands included.
“Somebody asked me recently, when somebody was dogging me, on the internet, on a podcast, somebody said, ‘Steve, why don’t you respond?’” Harvey started on the subject of haters. “I said, ‘Because lions don’t turn around when small dogs (are) barking.’”
To illustrate his point better for the Atlanta crowd, Harvey invoked the word of the lord, preaching, “When God has you on a path, and you are clear that you are on a path, there’s a Bible verse that says, ‘Stay on the wall. When they throw rocks at you, stay on the wall. When they’re coming for you, stay on the wall.’”
“Don’t come down off the wall to address some little small-minded, penny-ante-ass hater,” Harvey advised. “And you will never have a hater that’s doing better than you, always know that. Don’t get off the wall to address some penny-ante-ass boy who ain’t got shit going for hisself.”
“I stay away from it,” Harvey said of his hater’s public comments on podcasts where the cognac flows as freely as the shit-talk — though he admitted that he wishes he could confront a certain shorter-than-average antagonist. “I’m a human being. And a hood. And I used to be a fighter, and I still got hands. They slow, but if you get up on me real close, I can still knock your monkey ass out.”
“I still know how to turn my hip and shift that weight, and I will knock your short ass out. I will shoot your perm straight off your head,” Harvey warned his unnamed, undersized and specifically styled enemy.
Now, while Harvey certainly has the height, reach and size advantage over Williams, he should be warned that his hater has hands, too — they're just used to wailing on women and children.