How to Do a Joe Rogan Impression, According to TikTok

After the dismal reviews for Joe Rogan’s live Netflix stand-up special, Burn the Boats, you might be thinking to yourself, “Heck, I could probably do a better Joe Rogan special than that!” And with the help of TikTok, maybe you can.
How do you turn yourself into America’s favorite podcaster/UFC commentator/nutritional supplement salesman?
Matthew Hawkins offers the most direct advice with his “How to Do A Joe Rogan Impression” video. Ready? Step one, unspoken: Slap on a bald cap and take off your shirt. It helps the impression if you’re already somewhat jacked.
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Step two: “Sound of a cat — just start with that.” Hawkins then repeats a meow sound in something approximating the cadence of a Joe Rogan Experience monologue, interspersed with Rogan-isms like “It’s entirely possible.”
“That’s how you do it, I don’t know,” Hawkins concludes.
NeemaNaz’s instructions aren’t as explicit, though he also shows you important keys to perfecting your Rogan. The bald cap is still essential to the impression, but for the NeemaNaz version, you also narrow your eyes into a hash-hazy squint. Next, make a stoned “mmmmmmm” noise as if your mind is being blown, interspersed with awed Rogan-isms like:
- “Oh, wow. Really?”
- “Oh, wow. Why is that? Okay.”
- “Mmmm, Ivermectin. Oh, I see, I see.”
- (High-pitched cackle)
- “Mushrooms. Yeah.”
- “Total acid trip — bonkers!”
Another crucial element is the stoned nod while a guest spews conspiracy theories about the sentient grandfather clock from Beauty and the Beast. Make sure to throw in a few slack-jawed exclamations like, “Wow — and this is real?”
There’s more to be learned from Simon King’s impression, though the dude is missing his official JRE bald cap. A well-timed “Jamie, pull that up” can add to your impression’s veracity, as well as marveling about how jacked any person (or animal) is. When in doubt, throw a “bro” at the end of every sentence.
While TikTok provides some good Joe Rogan Do’s, it shares instructional Rogan Do Nots as well.
Let’s cycle back to Hawkins, who in addition to his bald wig and spot-on vocal impression, apparently uses deepfake software to morph his face into something resembling Rogan’s. Not necessary! Although you might earn bonus points for inspiring some Roganesque conspiracy theories, low-tech is your friend. Stick to mindless rants about UFC, and you’ll impress your friends with a Rogan impression that no amount of technology can duplicate.