The Five Most Incredible Water Balloon Feats of All Time

Whoever first decided to fill a balloon with water really knew their stuff. With this simple, elegant blob, entire neighborhoods of kids can get out their mounting aggression and cool off at the same time. Seriously, name one other thing that’s both a fun afternoon and a weapon (besides sex, which will be their preferred summertime activity soon enough).
It’s no surprise, then, that some people have gotten so obsessed with water balloons that they’ve set Guinness World Records in doing stuff with them.
The Largest Water Balloon Fight
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You might think no one has nothing on your childhood summer camp when it came to epic water balloon fights, but you’ve never faced down campus Christians. In 2011, almost 9,000 students from the University of Kentucky’s Christian Student Fellowship gathered to break their own record for the world’s largest water balloon fight, which has probably gone undefeated for a decade and a half because only a religious group could find enough young adults with nothing better to do. Seriously, the previous record holder was Brigham Young University.
The Most Water Balloons Filled in One Minute
Throwing a water balloon is one thing, but there’s an art to filling one as well. Remember how long it used to take, when you could only attach one at a time to the hose on the side of the house? They have contraptions that fill several at a time now, but those were presumably not allowed when Gideon Malone broke this record in 2016, considering he only filled nine. He was also only 12 years old at the time. Kid’s going places.
The Most Water Moved by Water Balloons Over 100 Meters in Three Minutes (Team of 200)
Also underrated is the balloon’s capacity for serving as a vessel to move water from one place to another. Is it the most efficient method? No, but since when is anything about water ballooning about efficiency? In fact, a team of 200 employees of Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada could only move 12 gallons of water over a distance of 100 meters in three minutes. Yes, that Ripley’s. Sadly, it appears to be a mostly normal aquarium and not, like, one for fake mermaids.
The Most Water Balloons Burst With the Head Whilst Bouncing on a Space Hopper in One Minute
The real secret to setting a world record is to get bizarrely specific. Certainly, no one had ever tried popping water balloons with their heads on a space hopper, which is one of those huge bouncy balls with a handle you sit on — yeah, those things apparently have a name — until Cherry Yoshitake busted 36 of them in one minute in 2022. It was actually during an appearance on Lo Show Dei Record, or The Record Show, so don’t worry, everyone, the Italian reality TV industry is recovering from the pandemic just fine.
The Most Hits of a Person With Water Balloons in One Minute
Throwing, filling, carrying, popping — these are all acts of cowardice compared to the pinnacle of water-balloon athleticism: getting hit with them. The man who holds that record, Ashrita Furman, actually holds the Guinness World Record for holding the most Guinness World Records, including several water-balloon-related ones. In 2019, he withstood 53 balloon hits in just one minute. Imagine that. Feel that. A true American hero.