Eric Idle Posts Cryptic Message About the End of Monty Python

It’s been exactly 10 years since Monty Python (minus the late Graham Chapman) began their final run of live shows at London’s O2 Arena, pleasing their legions of fans while also allowing the group to pay off their mounting legal debts — not to mention Terry Jones’ mortgage and John Cleese’s alimony.
The first of 10 total performances occurred on July 1, 2014, and found the group reviving iconic routines like “The Dead Parrot Sketch,” “The Lumberjack Song” and “Argument Clinic.” Monty Python Live (Mostly) also featured some deeper cuts like “Llamas” and “Anne Elk’s Theory on Brontosauruses.”
The initial reviews weren’t exactly raves. The critical consensus seemed to be that it was both undeniably thrilling to see the Pythons performing again, presumably for the last time, yet also kind of sad to see creaky versions of classic sketches mounted by aging comedy legends who were, by their own admission, only in it for the money.
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According to reports, each member of the group was expected to “pocket at least £2.2 million.” They also raised “more than £20,000” for various charities by auctioning off cameo roles for each night. Winners included celebrities like Harry Shearer, Mike Myers and Warwick Davis.
So it is certainly notable, for Python fans at least, that this month marks the 10th anniversary of what could be considered a historic event. But when someone shared that observation on social media, noting that it’s been a decade since “the Monty Python team grouped together for one last set of performances,” Eric Idle responded with a cryptic message: “And it all ends today..” What?
It’s unclear what exactly Idle means here. Is he merely suggesting that the Pythons ended today, back on July 1, 2014? If so, why not use the past tense? Plus, that wasn’t even the last show, the final performance was on July 20th.
It’s as if Idle is implying that something dramatic has just happened, or will happen today, that will effectively end Monty Python forever. Given the ongoing clashes between Idle and fellow Python John Cleese, it’s not too much of a stretch to imagine that there may have been some new development that has further fractured the surviving members of the group — a group that for all intents and purposes hasn’t existed for a decade.
So, is there an inter-Python lawsuit on the horizon? A restraining order against Cleese? Is the BBC planning on erasing Monty Python’s Flying Circus from existence like they very nearly did in the early ‘70s?
Idle’s fans seem confused by this message as well, responding to his post with queries such as “Please elaborate” and “What ends today?” The only further statement Idle has offered so far has been to the question “So a ten year farewell reunion is on the table?” To which he very bluntly replied, “No.”
So it seems like this is truly the end of the thing we all assumed had ended a long time ago.
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