20 Fictional Characters We’re Glad Aren’t Real

Sure, we all know the people inside the Netflix box aren’t real, but it’s only natural to wish at times that they were. Write self-insert fanfic about them. Make little dolls of them out of napkins and hairbrush debris. You know, normal stuff.
Like, you might be a loser in real life, but so would the friends on Friends. They would be your friends! And how fun would it be to work with the staff of The Office (provided they hire an effective HR manager for once)? You definitely have a fictional crush or two you pine for. Don’t lie. We’ll know if you lie.
For some characters, though, it’s for the best that they stay in their safe little fictional worlds. When user SugarMinnow asked r/AskReddit, “Who is a fictional character that you’re glad isn’t real, and why?” we found out exactly which ones.
Zapp Brannigan from Futurama

The Gang from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

The Thing from The Thing

Jigsaw from Saw

Kratos from God of War

The Reapers from Mass Effect

The Gravemind from Halo

Creepers from Minecraft

Megatron from Transformers

Voldemort from The Wizarding World

Kirby from Kirby

The Terminator from The Terminator

Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street

Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians

The Alien Spider from The Mandalorian

The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters

Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil

Gaston from Beauty and the Beast

Baldrick from Blackadder

Sandman from The Sandman