17 Bits of Actual ‘Star Wars’ Lore So Mind-Numbingly Stupid That You Can’t Help But Laugh

If you’re looking for a franchise with a truly bananas amount of arguably completely unnecessary lore, Star Wars is for you. It’s an absolute perfect storm of an intellectual property that has a beyond-rabid fanbase that constantly demands further information on a world created in the, at best, unusual mind of George Lucas. I mean, we STARTED with music called jizz, so it was all downhill from there. Toss in canon offshoots made by a massive roster of pens-for-hire, and there’s an incredible amount of confusing, if not outright dumb lore. It’s kind of like if The Silmarillion was written by taking suggestions from space-obsessed kindergarteners.
Twitter user @headfallsoff asked the community to share their favorite bits of outlandish, yet confirmed Star Wars lore, and we were bestowed with a bountiful harvest of Glup-Shitto-quality tidbits.