Rob Schneider Booed, Pulled Off Stage During Charity Gig

For the second time in six weeks, newly pious Rob Schneider was cut off in the middle of an offensive comedy set and asked to take a hike. In his latest early exit, Schneider was pulled off the stage while performing at a charity gala to benefit the Hospitals of Regina Foundation. According to the Regina Leader-Post, the comedian was “roundly booed” during his performance.
People at the event say Schneider regaled the fundraiser with a routine full of antivaxx and anti-trans jokes, just the kind of material that gets health-care advocates to open up their checkbooks and donate big bucks. After the boos and several people walking out of the performance, per Global News, Schneider was asked to leave the stage before he could finish his routine. It’s unclear if an actual hook was used to pull him away from the microphone.
“Everyone in the room was groaning, saying, ‘What is going on?’ Like whispering to themselves. Not a single laugh at times,” said Tynan Allan, a Black queer attendee who spoke with the CBC. “It was just very apparent how uncomfortable everyone felt and how unacceptable the things he was talking about were.”
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The Hospitals of Regina Foundation are presumably looking for a new talent booker as it issues public apologies. “While we recognize that in a free and democratic society, individuals are entitled to their views and opinions and that comedy is intended to be edgy, the content, positions and opinions expressed during Mr. Schneider’s set do not align with the values of our foundation and team,” it said in a statement.
“An unconditional apology was offered right after to our guests and our community,” the statement continued. “We reiterate this sincere and unconditional apology today, for any offense caused by Mr. Schneider’s recent comedy set, at the Four Seasons Ball.”
When Schneider was jeered and asked to end his set at a Republican networking event in April, he fired back on Twitter, calling the Senate Working Group “pussies” and defending his Korean whorehouse jokes. But he’s been strangely silent on social media regarding his latest mid-comedy cancelation. Since getting the boot on June 1st, Schneider’s social feed only consists of allegations that Democrats rely on dead voters, applause for straight actors who want to play gay characters and plenty of Dr. Fauci vitriol retweets.
Attendee Allan couldn’t understand how the Hospitals of Regina Foundation booked Schneider in the first place. (The organization has retroactively scrubbed all references to Schneider from its website.) “He’s been antivaxx throughout the pandemic, and he’s said transphobic things for years,” Allan said. “I understand that you’re raising money, that you sometimes need to draw a crowd, but it doesn’t take a lot to vet people and specifically to vet people from a values-based perspective.”