23 Actors That Automatically Ruin Movies for People
‘The Rock has a completely soulless feel to him’

Are you normal, or do you have an entirely one-sided grudge against an actor who will never know you exist and didn’t really do anything wrong aside from annoy you one too many times? Maybe they’re just untalented. Maybe they have a face that wrenches some deep, primordial rage response from your very DNA. Maybe they pronounce “library” stupid.
Whatever the case, there are more of you out there than you might think. When Redditor Halloween-365 asked r/AskReddit, “What actor or actress ruins a movie for you?” Reddit produced a laundry list of the overrated, the lifeless and the entirely too lifeful.
Kevin Spacey

Nicolas Cage

The Rock

Kristen Stewart

Chris Pratt

Jesse Eisenberg

Millie Bobby Brown

Ben Affleck

Ruby Rose

Russell Brand

Pete Davidson

James Corden

Jared Leto

Cara Delevingne

Tom Cruise

Maggie Gyllenhaal

Ben Stiller

Amy Schumer

Will Ferrell

Gwyneth Paltrow

Jennifer Lopez

Steven Seagal

Elisabeth Moss