‘Simpsons’ Moments That Got the Show Banned from Fans’ Households

Throughout history, testing boundaries of what is and isn’t acceptable has been a big part of growing up in any household. In the age of cable, children looking to dip their toes an inch past the line of misbehavior have been able to outsource that transgression to their favorite TV shows. Anybody want any damn vegetables?
The Simpsons is, generally speaking, a family friendly affair — though the long-running series does occasionally exceed the restraints of a TV-PG rating, the language and subject matter of The Simpsons usually passes the parental guidance test for late elementary school kids of Bart’s demographic. However, every now and then, The Simpsons will blurt out a swear word or an entendre that will slip by the Fox censors but not past the perked ears of concerned parents, leading to the series being banned from the household until either the time when all children turn 13 or the parents leave the house for 30 minutes.
Over in the Simpsons subreddit, superfans who grew up with Fox’ first family of animation shared the times when The Simpsons landed itself on the household blacklist for objectionable content. Here are a few of their testimonials…