Jesse Eisenberg Needs ‘Social Network’ Fans to Understand That He’s Not Mark Zuckerberg Now More Than Ever
PICTOFACT 37 Random Bits of Trivia That Are Sure to Help Win That Free Order of Jalapeño Poppers on Trivia Night
Which element of this ‘Ace Ventura’ montage is the least plausible?<p><span style="font-size: 18px">Ace is on the hunt for a Super Bowl ring that’s missing one jewel. Which of these stunts could absolutely not play out the way it does in the movie?</span></p>Ace spots the gem on a ring through binoculars from a moving vehicle.Ace jumps on a man’s back and takes him down with a chloroform-soaked rag.Ace hides in a mailbox and examines a guy’s hand by candle light.Ace gets thrown across the room in an arm-wrestling match.Ace loudly whips a guy with a towel in the shower.Which sound effect is the most true-to-life?<p><span style="font-size: 18px">A foley artist’s job is to replicate reality as faithfully as possible — for the most part. There are plenty of times when they just give us what we </span><em><span style="font-size: 18px">want </span></em><span style="font-size: 18px">to hear. Which one of these productions’ signature sounds was actually based on reality?</span></p>SHWING! Sword unsheathing in 'Game of Thrones'FWIP! Gun silencers in 'The Boondock Saints'roooarrr–BOOM! Space explosions in 'The Return of the Jedi'THUD-TUNK-SLAP! Frogs falling from the sky in 'Magnolia'Which grenade trope is true to the physics of a real grenade?<p><span style="font-size: 18px">The enemy is closing in. You’ve got a machine gun in one hand and a grenade in the other. Your only way out of this mess is to lob that bad boy and let physics handle the rest. So you:</span></p>Pull the pin with your teeth, and chuck it.It explodes in a huge fireball.And blasts the enemy across the room.Are chalk outlines for real?<p><span style="font-size: 18px">A hard-boiled detective arrives at the scene of the crime, and starts taking in every minute detail. He can’t make heads or tails of it — until he turns a corner and sees that ghastly reminder of where a corpse once lay. Did people ever really draw a chalk outline, or is this completely fictional?</span></p>Real!Fake!Which stunt from a Jackie Chan film is physically impossible in real life?<p><span style="font-size: 18px">Chan put his life on the line countless times for our entertainment, but some stunts are just too outside the realm of possibility to pull off IRL. Which of the following simply wouldn’t fly?</span></p>'Police Story': The pole slide'Rob B Hood': Using a car battery to jumpstart a heart'Drunken Master II': Crawling on hot coalsWhich movie showed the most accurate portrayal of a biometric scanner?<p><span style="font-size: 18px">The only way into the compound, or the safe, or the spaceship — save for a poorly placed air vent — is to borrow someone’s severed body part to get past a biometric scanner. Which movie portrayed this technology in the most realistic way?</span></p>'Angels & Demons': A detached eyeball gets the bad guy past a retina scanner.'Back to the Future Part II': The headline “Thumb Bandit Strikes Again” implies someone is severing thumbs to gain access to people’s bank accounts.'District 9': Humans try to use disembodied Prawn arms to operate the alien weapons (to no avail).'National Treasure': Gates lifts a thumbprint off a wine glass, and imprints it onto his own hand to get past the fingerprint scanner.Order these tropes from the Meet the Parents franchise from most to least believable.<p><span style="font-size: 18px">Obviously, we’re suspending our disbelief whenever we sit down to see what ol’ Focker’s gotten himself into this time. But we have to draw a line somewhere.</span></p>Greg gets tased, but remains completely conscious, and his father is able to touch him without getting zapped.Jack uses Myspace to do his sleuthing, in 2010.Greg is injected with sodium thiopental and starts telling everyone what he really thinks.What’s the truth about quicksand?<p><span style="font-size: 18px">It’s likely you haven’t had to deal with quicksand as often as movies like </span><em><span style="font-size: 18px">The Neverending Story</span></em><span style="font-size: 18px"> had you believe. But why exactly </span><em><span style="font-size: 18px">isn’t</span></em><span style="font-size: 18px"> quicksand a big deal?</span></p>The human body is too buoyant to sink in dense sludge.There are breathable pockets of air at the bottom.Quicksand doesn’t exist.Quicksand only exists at the bottom of large bodies of water.