Jesse Eisenberg Needs ‘Social Network’ Fans to Understand That He’s Not Mark Zuckerberg Now More Than Ever
PICTOFACT 37 Random Bits of Trivia That Are Sure to Help Win That Free Order of Jalapeño Poppers on Trivia Night
Stradivarius Cain in “The Spy Who Learned Me”<p>Who plays Homer’s imaginary suave friend who teaches him how to become a better husband to Marge?</p>Bill HaderBryan CranstonAlec BaldwinJessica Lovejoy in “Bart’s Girlfriend”<p>Who plays Reverend Lovejoy’s daughter, Jessica, who turns out to be a bad influence on the original bad boy himself, Bart?</p>Milla JovovichSara GilbertMeryl StreepRamrod in “Take My Wife, Sleaze”<p>Who plays the mustachioed member of Hell’s Satans who takes Marge hostage along with Meathook?</p>Henry WinklerJohn GoodmanRon HowardAnnie Dubinsky in “The Ten-Per-Cent Solution”<p>Who plays Krusty’s former agent?</p>Cloris LeachmanJenna FischerJoan RiversMob Lawyer in “The Fat Blue Line”<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 12pt">Who plays the slow-talking mob lawyer who tries to squeeze more billable hours out of Fat Tony by speaking </span><em><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 12pt">reeeeaally slooooooowly</span></em><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 12pt">?</span></p>Bob OdenkirkSam WaterstonJames GandolfiniKing Toot in “Cover Craft,” “Woo-hoo Dunnit?” and “Top Goon”<p>Who plays the proprietor of King Toot’s Music Store, longtime neighbor to (and occasional mortal enemy of) Moe’s Tavern?</p>Andy SambergSteve MartinWill ForteJeanie, the manager of Kissimmee St. Nick Theme Park and Resort in “‘Tis the 30th Season”<p>Who plays the deceptive manager of a rundown Florida resort that lies about its amenities online to attract suckers like the Simpsons?</p>Jane KrakowskiRachel DratchJane Lynch Bourbon Verlander in “The Caper Chase”<p>Who plays the for-profit college founder who trains an army of LadyBots to acquire student loans?</p>Jason AlexanderBrad GarrettRob Lowe