5 ‘SNL’ Musical Guests Who Held Their Own in Sketches

Musicians with comedy chops are no strangers to Saturday Night Live. Over the years, the show has welcomed dual threats like Justin Timberlake, Ariana Grande, Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah to handle hosting duties while doubling as their own musical guests. But a musician doesn’t have to host to get a crack at the comedy. Here are five SNL musical guests who killed when they got a chance to slip into a sketch…
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Rihanna’s duet with Shy Ronnie was nominated for a 2010 Emmy, inspiring a second go-round, “Shy Ronnie 2: Ronnie and Clyde.” Rihanna handled the comedy so well in the first team-up that the Lonely Island gave her more to do — she convincingly pulls off a gun moll trying to pull off a heist despite the incompetence of her bashful partner-in-crime.
Katy Perry showed up on Bronx Beat as Maureen DiCicco, the young lady who’s causing a commotion down at the public library after a summer of pubescent development. Things have gotten so out of hand that it looks like “today’s show is brought to you by the number 38 and the letter double-D.”
Luckily for Maureen, Bronx Beat is a mostly judgment-free zone. “Never be embarrassed about your body!” Rather than Betty and Jodi telling Maureen to hide her beauty under looser-fitting clothing, they recommend going to Kohl’s and purchasing a good brawr. Just ask for Paula — she’s a miracle worker. There’s no music for Perry to hide behind here; she’s simply a good sport who knows how to play to an audience.
Dave Grohl
As an aging dad who knows he’s embarrassing his children, Dave Grohl has no problem getting behind the drums to celebrate the nuptials of his old bandmate’s daughter. Sure, it’s the bride’s “worst nightmare,” but Grohl has fun goofing on his failing prostate before launching into a punk rendition of “Fistfight in the Parking Lot.” Props to Ashton Kutcher for supplying the mic when Grohl’s goes on the fritz.
Chance the Rapper
Consider “Jingle Barack,” Chance the Rapper’s holiday farewell to the Obama administration, as his unofficial audition to host SNL. That audition definitely earned him a green light as Chance has returned twice as the show’s main guest. This Run-DMC-inspired throwback should be a holiday standard.
The boys hang out with Wayne’s mom in the breakfast nook before coming downstairs to tape an episode of Wayne’s World, thanks to Garth’s cousin, Aerosmith roadie Barry (Tom Hanks). Steven Tyler’s erudite soliloquy on the decline of socialism in Eastern Europe was the template for Alice Cooper’s similar lecture on the history of Milwaukee in the Wayne’s World movie. Totally excellent.