Every Phrase, Film and Song That ‘South Park’ Has Ruined for Its Fans

‘Member when you could read the words “crème fraîche” without hearing them in your head as if Randy’s saying it like he’s climaxing? I ‘member.
In Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s eternal quest to mock, satirize and slander every person, place and thing under the sun, South Park has successfully ruined a great many words, songs, movies, TV shows and even names for a number of die-hards who still think of a goat every time someone references Stevie Nicks. A show so focused on highlighting the absurdity of our existence is naturally going to change the way people start to see the world around them — and stop them from watching Family Guy altogether.
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Over in the South Park subreddit, the superfans recently commiserated about all of the previously inoffensive phrases and pieces of media that have been “ruined” by a South Park joke. Here are a few of those cultural casualties…