The 15 Worst Porno Ideas Possible

We decided to challenge our readers to attempt the impossible: Come up with an idea for a porno so bad that even they wouldn't watch it.
Since we understand that this is no small task, we decided to pay the winner twice as much this week (of course, it didn't hurt that we were paying with Kevin Smith's money). As always, the winner is below, but first the runners up.
by jerman
by jerewhit
by Bakudai
by kravorzlair
by Hilyin
by edwardninja
by link12245
by Robotman
by Dr.Macaroni
by Wibblewobble
by John Cheese
And the winner is...
by Dr.Macaroni
Congrats, Dr.Macaroni. You win money.
Want in on this?
You'll have another chance. Your theme is:
The Day After the Election... of 2012.
Think about how drastically things have changed since 2004--most of it horribly for the worst. Now just imagine what the world could look like at this point four years from now. How will the world have changed? It'll be after another long presidential campaign, so who will the candidates be? What will be the big issues? Fire up photoshop and show us, the best one will get $50.
If you'd like to see the entries from this week that didn't make it, see them here. Or check out The 2008 Election (As Depicted by 5 Year Olds). And for pictures too strange to make up, but not too strange to make fun of, check out The Daily Craption Contest.
Got an idea for a future Cracked photoshop contest? Let us know.,