‘South Park’ Fans Choose the One Episode They Wish Was Never Made

Fittingly, the question of which episode of South Park should be scrubbed from existence echoes the age-old debate of “Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich.”
South Park has been on the air for 26 years, 26 seasons and 325 episodes. Seeing as the financial evaluation of the entire South Park library reportedly eclipsed $1 billion, there’s obviously a lot of gold in that massive trove of TV. However, with such a high volume of output, there’s bound to be a few duds — episodes that either missed the mark or had unintentional consequences that changed the way hordes of South Park fans engage with their topical themes.
The South Park subreddit posed an interesting question yesterday, with user arnethyst asking, “You have the power to erase one South Park episode from existence. Which one, & why?” The only parameters for the picks being that the episodes “Pip,” “Jakovasaurs” and “Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus” are off the table as the three are pretty much universally considered to be the weakest entries; Trey Parker once said of the formermost, “Everyone, including us, hates ‘Pip.’”
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Anyway, here are the South Park superfans’ choices for episodes to face existential erasure…