These Anatomically Correct Cartoon Skeletons Are Pure Nightmare Fuel

Ever wondered what Eric Cartman would look like if the cartoon character came to life, died and rotted down to his misshapen, disproportionate bones? No? Well, too bad. I saw this, and now you have to look at it, too.
Like many artists on Deviantart, Luís Rogério Faria Rosa of Brazil draws inspiration from existing entertainment properties, adding his own subversive style to create unforgettable images that change the way we watch The Simpsons for good. It should go without saying that seeing the decayed skeleton of a child is a jarring experience, but when that child is Stewie Griffin, still grinning maniacally in his decomposition, the image becomes burned into the inside of your eyelids as you lay in restless awakening in the small hours of the night.
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Rosa’s reconstructions of cartoon characters’ skeletal systems occasionally pop up in the fan forums of the respective shows as new users are exposed to images they’ll spend years attempting to unsee. Here’s a compilation of his hits so that all the trauma can be processed in one fell swoop:

premierluis / Deviantart

premierluis / Deviantart

premierluis / Deviantart

premierluis / Deviantart

premierluis / Deviantart

premierluis / Deviantart

premierluis / Deviantart

premierluis / Deviantart

premierluis / Deviantart

premierluis / Deviantart