Chevy Chase Can’t Stop Hawking ‘Christmas Vacation’ During the Holidays

Just because everyone loves National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, doesn’t mean that, each and every winter, we should force Chevy Chase to recreate National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
The 79-year-old Saturday Night Live founding cast member hasn’t seen much steady TV or movie work since his unceremonious removal from the cult comedy series Community in 2014, but he’s made it a point to never stray far from the public eye. Every holiday season, Chase indulges our nostalgic urges and attends events, conventions, screenings and Raising Cane’s restaurant openings in character as Clark Griswold to appease his most enduring fanbase and remind us that, at one point, we all really loved Chevy Chase.
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This week, tickets went on sale for this upcoming holiday season’s National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation tour, which will see Chase travel from Medford, Massachusetts to Newark, New Jersey and finally to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At each stop, Chase and his team will screen the film before the star participates in a Q&A with paying audience members. If I scored a ticket to one such stop, the question I’d like to ask is, “Aren’t you tired of this?”
Look, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a star continuing to profit off of their most popular projects years after the fact – if there was, nerd conventions would be even bigger hellscapes than they already are. I just wonder if, at 79 years of age, Chase really, truly enjoys spending every holiday season answering sweaty midwesterner’s questions about what Randy Quaid is really like. Chase has battled heart problems in recent years, and, during 2022’s festivities, he spent most of his annual promotional stunts sitting down, at times struggling to get his words out.
It’s very easy to attack Chase for his many transgressions during his multi-decade comedy dominance (which is why we do it so often), but, this Christmas, we just wish that he’d give himself the gift of retirement for his own sake.