27 Hilarious Tweets We Really Needed Last Week

It was a sad week for ChaseDreams stans. Season Three of the Comedy Central-turned-HBO-Max-turned-Max sleeper hit The Other Two is ultimately its last hurrah. While show co-creators Chris Kelly and Sarah Schneider said that “this is where we wanted to end their stories,” a report by The Hollywood Reporter about HR complaints paints a slightly different picture. Both Kelly and Schneider found themselves at the center of a toxic-workplace investigation, including allegations of verbal abuse and overworked crews. The pair was cleared of any formal wrongdoing, but how we got here would’ve been great to explore in a fourth season of a satire about the callousness of the entertainment industry. To that end, we spoke to Maureen Ryan about Burn it Down, and why the comedy world should reckon with its toxicity, from bullies to the cultural issues at SNL.
Another display of toxicity in the entertainment world saw “Miranda Sings” YouTube creator Colleen Ballinger deny allegations of grooming with a 10-minute ukulele song. Although the grooming allegations against her are abhorrent, denouncing/dismissing them via ukulele is a close second.
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Meanwhile, the marketing geniuses behind the upcoming Barbie movie teamed up with Airbnb to create a Malibu dream-house getaway. But in doing so, they handed an equally brilliant marketing opportunity to the notoriously quiet Oppenheimer team (which didn’t take the bait and kept its nuclear powder dry):
In between, there were a bunch of other hilarious tweets, too, including those about “David Lunch,” the only true-crime podcast that matters right now and an SNL skit that we’re grateful to have avoided. We’ll let those tweeters take it from here…