This Comedian’s Ex-Boyfriend Tried to Steal Her Jokes in the Breakup

When a couple separates acrimoniously, divvying up each other’s stuff can be an ugly and embarrassing affair — take these grown adults splitting up their Beanie Baby stash on the floor of a Las Vegas courtroom for instance. However, even after the most contentious breakups, you’d never think that a comedian’s ex could possibly walk away with all the jokes.
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New Jersey stand-up Emily Paige recently found that her ex-boyfriend has been stealing her tweets, slightly adjusting the phrasing like a plagiarizing high school student, then passing them off as his own jokes months after the original post. Yesterday, in an attempt to match her former man’s pettiness, Paige tweeted side-by-side screenshots of the original riffs and their inadequate knockoffs in an attempt to reclaim custody of her comedy.
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The thread exposing the unoriginal ex-boyfriend has since gone viral, but Paige has put out a plea for her followers to cease from sending her ex threats — he’s clearly going through enough already.