TikTok Comic Explores All the Ways to Use Abortion Besides Birth Control

This takedown of the anti-choice argument is not for the faint of heart — or pro of life
TikTok Comic Explores All the Ways to Use Abortion Besides Birth Control

It’s a common refrain from those who support the restriction of abortion rights — “Women shouldn’t be using abortion for birth control.” Which is why TikTok comedian Stanzi Potenza has dared to ask, “Then what the hell is abortion for??”

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned last June, 13 states have outright banned abortion with a handful more heavily restricting the procedure. Among the arguments against abortion rights, the one Potenza tackled in her viral TikTok titled “I Abort Competitively” stands as among the most asinine, and Pontenza’s takedown is as gleefully distasteful and completely crass as the discussion demands this far into a post-Roe America.

For the faint of heart and pro of life, this TikTok will seem like an offensive, objectionable, macabre mockery of an incredibly serious issue — and that’s exactly why it needs to be said.

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